We are extremely excited to share with you the amazing recovery, our
9.5 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bella, has made on this
program. Desperate to find a natural treatment for Bella's Mitral
Valve Disease, we spent hours researching different supplements and
alternatives to traditional medicine.
We are extremely excited to share with you the amazing recovery, our
9.5 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bella, has made on this
program. Desperate to find a natural treatment for Bella's Mitral
Valve Disease, we spent hours researching different supplements and
alternatives to traditional medicine.
In June of this year, Bella was diagnosed with a grade 2/3 heart
murmur and Mitral Valve Disease. Shortly after this appointment, Bella
began coughing more and more frequently, surpassing twenty coughs at a
given time. Upon taking her to the vet, we were told she was not in
need of heart medication, yet. However, in reading many online
discussion forums and witnessing for ourselves how quickly this
disease could progress, we knew we needed a real solution. We decided
against traditional medicine as we knew how terrible the side effects
could be, and wanted to get to the root of the disease.
After hours of research, prior to finding Amanda’s program, we
started giving Bella: Young at Heart for Dog Heart Disease by Pet
Wellbeing, Dr. Mercola's Vitamin C, Zesty Paws Pure Salmon Oil, Dr.
Mercola’s Krill Oil for pets, Dr. Mercola’s Ubiquinol for pets, Dr
Mercola’s Curcumin for pets, Dr. Mercola’s Astaxanthin for pets,
Dr. Mercola’s Healthy Pets Complete Probiotic and coconut oil. We
also cut back on Bella’s kibble and added in turkey and pureed
vegetables. We did not completely remove kibble from her diet until
October of 2016 as we were slowly weaning her off of it, but would
HIGHLY recommend cutting out the processed dog food as soon as
possible, as this seems to help speed up their recovery. Bella seemed
fairly stable at this time, but still had a fluidy sounding cough that
seemed to get progressively worse. We knew we needed a better
treatment for her heart! Many prayers later, we came across Amanda’s
Canine Heart Health website!! With this, we ordered the 40 lb canine
heart health package and started her on the heart disease dose, as
well as hydrotherapy, twice a day for 10 minutes at a time, and
alternated between one week of liver cleanse and one week of kidney
cleanse. We were not aware of any kidney or liver issues at this time
and figured this would suffice.
With Amanda’s heart disease treatment, Bella’s daly supplements
(listed above) and a daily walk, Bella was doing great and completely
stopped coughing. That is until our other dog began having neck issues
and was to be rested for three to four weeks. Bella did not have any
walks during this time and that is when we noticed her cough taking a
turn for the worse. Exercise is a HUGE part of their recovery!
Luckily, we were able to contact Amanda, and she gave us hope that
Bella would recover again. We started taking Bella on daily walks
again and took her completely off of kibble. We began giving her
celery (a natural diuretic) in her vegetable puree (with breakfast and
dinner) in case she had any fluid build up, upped her heart disease
dosage to CHF dosage and began giving her a second week of kidney
cleanse and hydrotherapy twice a day, for 15 minutes at a time. It was
not long, before Bella began showing signs of improvement and was only
coughing about once a day!:)
We took Bella back to the vet to get her blood levels checked in
October of 2016, (the last time they were done was in January/February
2016). We were not aware of Bella's elevated liver and kidney levels
until October of 2016, when we decided to look back at the blood
results from earlier this year. Fortunately, Bella’s ALT was 232
IU/I in February and had dropped to 204 IU/I in October (with only one
week of liver cleanse). Unfortunately, her ALP had increased from 91
IU/I in January to 232 IU/I in October. We did not realize she had any
previous liver issues and figured one week of liver cleanse would
suffice. Upon receiving her updated blood work from the vet, we began
our second and third weeks of liver cleanse, as her ALP remained
elevated. Thankfully, her BUN levels dropped from 36 mg/dl in January
to 15 mg/dl in October (only two weeks of kidney cleanse). Great news!
The vet also told us Bella did not have any fluid in her lungs and her
heart murmur remained at a grade 2/3.
Today, (November 3, 2016) we took Bella into the vet, to have an
Echocardiogram done. The cardiologist said she only had a grade 1-2
heart murmur with zero wall thickening and zero chamber enlargement!
Bella is still on all of the supplements listed above except for Young
at Heart for Dog Heart Disease by Pet Wellbeing (as she is already
getting hawthorn in Amanda’s program). We plan to transition back to
the heart disease dosage of Amanda’s Canine Heart Health program and
cannot put into words how grateful we are! Thank you SO much Amanda
for helping us through this process and creating this AMAZING
We would definitely recommend giving this program a try!!
God Bless!
-Bella’s Family
Veterinarian's Name:
Dr. Lisa Krauter
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